May 17, 2010


I wasn't going to post again until my NT scan, when i'd hopefully have some really good pictures of smudge to share.

But the past few days I've been having a bit of a hard time, and now that i've finally told my husband about it, i feel like telling you guys too.

the past few days i've been really sad about our lost twin.

I don't know why this is coming up now. I never really got sad about the twin before. But as happy as I am now about smudge, is as sad as I am about the baby we lost.

I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant - i don't know why these feelings are just coming up now


  1. I'd imagine anyone in your position would feel the same way. Sending lots of ((hugs)) to you girl. :)

  2. It's completely understandable that you have an ache for the lost twin. (((HUGS)))

  3. I still have days were I feel like I'm mourning for our lost twin. I definitely understand the mixed emotions! ((hugs))

  4. I don't think it's strange, at all. As much as you are enjoying being pregnant with Smudge, you did have a loss.

    I'm sorry that you're feeling down. But allow yourself to grieve. It doesn't mean that you appreciate or love Smudge any less.

    Take care, honey!
