April 22, 2010

Diminshed Ovarian Reserve

Yikes. That's what we are possibly facing. It sounds so ominous.

My FSH came back at 10.2 which the nurse said indicates possible diminished ovarian reserve.

I didn't even cry this time when I got the news. I think I'm just numb to bad news now.

So.... we meet with the RE again in 2 weeks. Two days after my ultrasound to see if my cysts are gone. By then, he'll have all my other bloodwork back, including my AMH to see where we go from here.

The nurse was fairly certain a Clomid/IUI cycle was out. She's not certain about an injectable/IUI cycle but feels strongly that he's going to steer us towards IVF.

We can only afford ONE shot at IVF so we'll really need to sit down and discuss what are best chances are... with my shoddy eggs or with donor eggs.

Little Sunflower Bud was pretty clued in to how upset I was feeling and asked if she could cuddle with me. I jumped all over that because she rarely wants to cuddle now! Of course she then patted my tummy and told me it was getting bigger. Oh how I wish, baby girl.


  1. I'm so sorry you received bad new this week. Sending lots of prayers to you SB. :)

  2. FYI, DOR doesn't mean you have shoddy eggs. It means you don't have that many left. The quality could be absolutely fine.

    According to my RE, the better indicator of shoddy eggs is AMH.

    IE: my situation. I have a normal FSH and a shit poor AMH. I have a decent number of eggs left. They just suck (close your ears, smudge - yours was just fine).

    SB - you know where to find me... always thinking of you.

  3. Sorry Sunflower. I was hoping that your blood work came back with good news, but hopefully the AMH is good.
