February 3, 2010

Anyone Else?

Is anyone else out there in the TTC land, no matter what point your at, obsessed with Fertility Friend or charting in general? I swear sometimes I just stare at my chart hoping it will magically tell me GO BD RIGHT NOW AND YOU'LL GET KNOCKED UP!!!

I've only been charting for two cycles now, and I am not an expert, but there seems to be absolutely zero consistency in my charts. Though, I don't really even know if there should be consistency. I'm clueless (well... somewhat).

At this point, I just so desperately want to be pg by the time our Due Date arrives from Angel MB. I have a slight feeling that this won't happen but Mr MB keeps asking me to be hopeful. Sometimes the only thing that reminds me of any sort of hope is my password to my computer at work. It has Hope in it.

I really hope that we don't have to go another cycle TTCing, but if we do, Mr MB will be taking 1000mg of Vitamin C each morning and I'll start myself on some Pom juice. I also have a connection to six free sessions of acupuncture. I don't want to be that woman who puts all her eggs in one basket, but this is getting a little ridiculous. It'll be six months this month since our loss. I want a baby dang it!!

"Patience Grasshopper......."

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I also stare at my chart and I stopped temping several cycles ago so I just stare and look at past charts to see a pattern in my cm, lol..
