February 22, 2010


That is... 35 weeks down - 35 days to go!

35 Days???? eeeeek!!!!

That's just amazing to me. It's FLOWN by! I was thinking today about what we have left to do?! This was my preliminary list... I'm sure I'm forgetting something!
  1. Tour labor & delivery with Mr. GB - make sure he knows how to get to the hospital :)
  2. Pre-natal massage (I still haven't fit this in to my appt rotation although it is MUCH needed!)
  3. Pre-register at the hospital
  4. Pack my hospital bag
  5. Finalize birth plan with Dr. C
  6. Arrange for our neighbor to come feed our dogs while we are at the hospital
  7. Finalize maternity leave paperwork and plans
  8. Finish washing Baby GB's newborn and 0-3 month wardrobe
  9. Finalize plans for induction (if Baby GB doesn't decide to come on his own!)
Hmm... yup - I'm sure there's more! Feel free to leave me comments with anything and everything that helped you other mom's-to-be in planning for your delivery!

I'll leave you with what Baby GB is up to this week!

Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) His hearing is totally developed (tip: baby responds best to higher pitches), and if he really is a "he," his testes have probably completed their descent.

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