December 10, 2009

Update: Follie Check #1

I had my first follicle check this morning.

My lining is at 5mm and is still homogeneous. I was concerned about this, because at my suppression check it was 7mm. I didn't understand why it would get thinner. The RE that did my US this morning (not Dr Z but his associate Dr B) said that since I still had my period at my US and spotted for another 2 days following, that my lining would get smaller because of that and it will likely start growing from here. I'm very comfortable with his explanation, but I'm going to start drinking my pomegranate (pom) juice anyway, to try to fluff up my lining.

My follicles seemed good too... on the right, I had 5 small follicles, unsized, with a lead follicle at 11mm and another at 10mm. On the left I had 5 small follicles. Dr B said that it is okay for now and that today's visit was mostly to make sure I wasn't moving too fast.
I also had blood checked today for my estrogen levels (E2).

Well - my follicles might have looked okay for a first US, but we're guessing that my E2 was in the tank.
I got the call around 3:30pm.

They're stopping the lupron (the suppressant) and DOUBLING my menopur and gonal-f (the stims). So, of course, I was concerned that they think i'm over suppressed now. However, the great ladies on the infertility forum convinced me that everything is going to be okay - it's probably a reaction to my low E2 (which will rise as my follicles get bigger). The ladies say I probably just need a jump start to get the party started.

So, now my protocol is, 150 units of Gonal-F in the mornings and at night 150 units of Gonal-F and 2 vials of Menopur.

My next US and E2 check will be saturday morning at 7am.

Until then, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.... follicle wishes and thick lining dreams.

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