November 10, 2009

First Follie Check!

So yesterday (cycle day 11) I had my first follicle check with Dr. B! I took Femara cycle days 5-9 and Follistim every other day. In addition, Dr. B has me on 1500 mg of Metformin every day for my PCOS.

My first stop at his office was into the lab to have my blood drawn by Nurse K, to check my estrogen and progesterone levels.

Photography Credit

Next it was time for my ultrasound with Dr. B. and I was praying that I would be responding well to this particular protocol. Sure enough the ultrasound revealed 3 follies all size 14.

Photography Credit

Dr. B's Instructions:

Take the final 150iu dose of Follistim Monday night
BD on Wednesday
Return for final Ultrasound and Trigger shot on Thursday
BD on Thursday
BD on Friday

Looks like Mr. Blessed Bud and I are in for a busy week...

Until Next Time,

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