October 2, 2009


is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I am so happy to see that there are so many companies and organizations that are holding fund raisers and different events to try to help raise money to help find a cure. Ladies this hits many of our hearts as many of us either have families or know of someone that have been a affect by this terrible, cruel, and scary disease.

Please educate yourself and anyone that you might know... your sister, friend co-worker anyone. Here is a wonderful site that you can reference off and has tons
of great information.

Other than that I really do not have much to report today except that I tested yesterday and got a BFN. So now I am either going to wait until AF shows up or I am a day late.
My chart looks promising and I keep hoping it is, Here is my current cycle with my BFP cycle:

Photo Credit

I am praying that this morning's tiny temperature rise is a good sign.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember.. think Pink!!!

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