October 15, 2009

My BFP Chart

Because I know that you are all dying to know, right?

Although I'm not entirely convinced that I O'd on Day 18 simply because the EWCM was only once and could have been something else. BUT I did have ovulation pain on days 15, 16, and 18 so maybe Day 18 is right. My skin broke out a lot more than normal this month, which is very strange because I was only stressed on days 11, 12, and 14 (can you tell I was stressed from our first month TTC?) I did start getting headaches but the weather is changing here so I'm sure that was more from sinus pressure than anything else.

I did start noticing I was more hungry than normal starting on 5 DPO. I also got heartburn on 6 DPO, I NEVER get heartburn, NEVER! It was quite unusual and probably the first sign where I thought, "I might be pregnant!" Nontheless, I will always remember September 2009 as the start of a great adventure in my life.

Faith, Love and Baby Flutters
Mrs. BrainyBud