September 8, 2009

The numbers are in

and they are GREAT!!!! Not only are they doubling in less than 48 hours but morning sickness has kicked in in FULL effect!!! I never thought I'd be so happy to be throwing up! I am so thankful God is blessing us with another miracle. I also got my first full fledged pregnancy migraine today. I already suffer from them frequently but now that I can't take anything but Tylenol it's a little scary. Taking Tylenol for a migraine is a complete joke! It's like eating a diet bar when what you really really want is a big fat candy bar. It just doesn't cut it! I got them horribly with little Faith Bud but hoping this was one of few! Now it's time to just focus on enjoying the morning sickness!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's excellent!

    Totally love the picture and caption - made me LOL!
