September 2, 2009

New cycle, new plan

AF finally decided to showed up Monday afternoon, 16 DPO, so my plan was to call my doctor and she was going to schedule me for a HSG the following week. She told me that they like to schedule them between cycle days 7 and 9, and that from this moment on we were to have "no intercourse until after the procedure." DH was none too pleased with this order. So she scheduled the procedure for the following Tuesday afternoon (cycle day 9). Thankfully, she then mentioned that when we arrive at the radiologist office that they will make me sign a waiver because often times this procedure isn't covered by insurance. I'm so glad she said this because this then prompted me to call my insurance lady and she did a little digging for me and called me back to tell me that my insurance covers no fertility testing and this specific procedure is a fertility procedure. She told me that the procedure would cost about $700 out of pocket. OUCH! I quickly realized I'm not ready to pay that much money for a procedure that isn't 100% necessary at this point. We haven't even been trying for a year yet, so I called my doc office back and cancelled the appointment. I did however call the Urologist and schedule a consultation for Mr. Hopeful Bud, so that we can get a referral to get a Semen Analysis.

So that's our new plan, to get Mr. Hopeful Bud's guys tested and then just see what happens for a couple of months. I still have a ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor and Pre-Seed so hopefully those will work for us in the next couple of months, pending no issue with Mr. HB's guys. If we still don't have our BFP in a couple months (say 3 months) then I will schedule the HSG and other tests.

To tell the truth, I'm a little sad that we won't be having the HSG this month. I guess I got excited after hearing two of my friends tell me that they got their BFP the month they had the procedure.

On the bright side, since AF is here right now, she will be leaving real soon, so I don't have to worry about her while we are at the lake and I can partake in a couple Vodka Lemonades. And I guess since I'm not have the HSG procedure, Mr. HB and I can keep BDing and having fun!

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