Hi all! My name is Faith Bud. For me there is a great source of meaning behind that name. Here is my story.
Mr. Faith Bud and I initially decided to start TTC when we were very early in our relationship. I already have a little Faith Bud from a previous relationship that Mr. Faith Bud will be adopting in the very near future.
The females on my moms side of the family have all been diagnosed with Ovarian, Uterine & Cervical Cancer by the age of 25. Prior to TTC I saw my OB/GYN every 6 months as there is no doubt that I will actually get this type of cancer & as long as they catch it very early I have a strong chance of survival. Mr. Faith Bud and I knew very early on that we wanted to get married & have more children. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer right after Mr. Faith Bud and I first met. We started TTC in March of 2007. We conceived in October of 2007. I found out about 10 dpo (on Halloween!!!) via a blood test. This was the same day Mr. Faith Bud and I moved in together. We were so thrilled! We m/c at 6 weeks a few days before Thanksgiving. We were not able to TTC again before Mr. Faith Bud deployed December of 2007. Mr. Faith Bud came home on leave & we TTC again. We got pregnant & m/c again at about 5 weeks this time. A few months after our second m/c I had blood work done and the doctor saw I had low progesterone levels. They wanted to wait until Mr. Faith Bud to come home & for me to loose some weight before we went thru any sort of fertility drugs, treatments, etc. Mr. Faith Bud got home in February & we have been TTC since. We are currently on cycle 17 of TTC. This is our last chance before we start Clomid for 3 cycles.
We have faith that God will bless us with another baby. Even though there have been many bumps in the road it has brought us closer together.
I look forward to sharing our journey with you!
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