August 24, 2009

And So it begins - I guess...

So, here I sit, wondering - Is this my 2WW for this cycle? See, this cycle has thrown me off. I'm at a loss as to what is going on. This is the second cycle using this little gem:

This is a ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor (CBEFM) and on CD 10 it gave me a "high" reading which was OK and I half expected it. What I didn't expect was to receive a "peak" reading on CD12!!! I was really expecting the "peak" reading closer to CD 17 or 18. So I'm not sure what to think! However, I will say that once I got the first "high" reading, Mr. Sunshine and I took full advantage of the opportunity.

So, I may or may not be in my 2WW. Fertility (FF) is certainly not telling me that I've ovulated. Oh and the 5-6 digital OPK's that I've taken certainly weren't positive, so I really don't know what to think. Heck, maybe this cycle I won't or haven't O'd yet. I will however, patiently sit and wait and cross my fingers and over analyze every little twitch and twinge and wonder "might I be pregnant"?

Well, only time will tell, as will FF!

Patiently waiting,

Sunshine Bud

P.S. Readers - check out my FF link on the right side and let me know your thoughts!!! Leave me a comment.


  1. I don't know - girl, but I think CD14 might have been the day.... 2 more days of high temps should seal it....

  2. Looks like possibly day 14!! GL this cycle!

  3. I think you already o'd! Praying for your BFP!!!!
